Add custom payment methods

by Abdullah Tahan

Kindly be aware that if you haven't configured a custom payment method, the default payment option will be utilized. In this case, customers will make payments to us, and we will subsequently transfer the amount to you without any additional fees.

You have the option to complete this form, and we will take care of setting up your custom shipping and delivery options on your behalf.

  • Log in to your administration panel.
    1. Navigate to the "Settings" section and click on "Payment Methods."
    2. If your store is new you can click on the 4th option in the Onboarding Guide "Set Up payments"
  • Click on the "Create payment method" or click on the plus button on top right to create a new payment method.
  • Craete you payemnt method (Paypal, Strip, E-Transfer)
    • Add Payment (PayPal):
      • In processor select PayPal
      • In Configure section write your paypal account email "make sure you create a paypal account before"
      • Finally Click on save
    • Add Payment (Stripe):
      • Finally past your stripe Publishable key and Secret key and save

    • Add Payment (E-transfer):
      • In processor select offline
      • In Name Write E-transfer
      • In payment instruction write your banking transfer email 

Test the payment method:

  • Place a test order on your marketplace and select the custom payment method during checkout.
  • Verify that the order process proceeds correctly and that the payment is captured as expected.
  • If there are any issues, review your settings and make necessary adjustments and contact us.


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