In this guide we are gonna be explaining the cart promotion last time we explained catalog promotion you can check it Here
the difference between catalog and cart is that cart promotions applies the bonus inside the cart but catalog applies the bonus outside and inside lets say for example you wanna make a buy 2 get 30% discount for example or buy 2 get 1 free product
so we start with the same steps we did last time
first we go to the admin panel
this time on top we choose cart promotion
we fill the information here
we go to conditions
we can see here a lot of choices I'm gonna use the example of buy X amount get X discount we press on total products in the cart
then we choose the amount we want the customer to buy so he gets the discount in the next step inside bonuses
then we go to bonuses on top we press add bonus
then we choose the type of bonus we want you can choose the type you want for my example I'm going to be giving discount on the products in the cart
we choose add products
here we choose the products that we want to get the bonus
I want all of my products to get discount if I had the amount I choose in the conditions inside the cart
choose then add products and close
after adding the products we choose the amount of discount we want to be made
you can read this to understand the meaning of the choices
to percentage of the original price: the eligible products will cost 20% of their original price.
By percentage of the original price: the eligible products will cost 80% of their original price (price with discount = original price - 20%).
To fixed amount: the price of the eligible products will be set to 20 units of the primary currency of your store, unless those products already have lower prices.
By fixed amount: the price of the eligible products will be lower by 20 units of the primary currency of your store (price with discount = original price - 20).
after choosing and filling the amount we can click create on the top right
if there is anything unclear you can contact us and would be happy to help you out .
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