Master Bazari

Please note that if you haven't set up a custom shipping method, the default shipping option will be applied. The default option uses Canada Post regular pricing, which is approximately $5 to $10 per cart. For Pickup option click here You have the option to complete this form , and we will take care of setting up your custom shipping and...

Kindly be aware that if you haven't configured a custom payment method, the default payment option will be utilized. In this case, customers will make payments to us, and we will subsequently transfer the amount to you without any additional fees. You have the option to complete this form , and we will take care of setting up your custom shipping...

Hello! Thank you for subscribing to one of our paid plans. We offer several payment methods to make it easy for you to pay for your subscription. Here are the steps to pay for your subscription: 1. Access your admin panel than from you dashboard click on refine balance 2. Select the payment method you prefer (credit/debit card, PayPal, etc.)....

You can always change your bazari store link (Vendor Link) as they are not reserved  Example if want to change that firs go to your admin panel On left click on Seller Info than SEO, from SEO name here you can change that at anytime to the new url When change it's recomended to create a new redirect from the old...

Variations are similar products that differ from each other only in one or a few  features , for example: “green M-sized T-shirt” and “red S-sized T-shirt”. This kind of product requires 3 things: Let customers choose the feature values on the product page. Show some of the variations (for example, different colors) as separate catalog items....

Go to your Facebook page and press  about Under websites and social links press add link fill your website or micro store link then click save  after that we can see the website information inside our main page 

In this guide we are going to be explaining the steps to sign up to become a seller in Bazari . Inside Bazari website in the top of it we can always see the "become a seller" button we can press on it  after pressing on it we fill our information in the page that opens only the information marked with a Red * is required you...

Hello in this guide we are going to explain how to share your micro store on your social media .  Its really important to share your micro store link on your social media shopping has never been easier using Bazari customers can just click the link and get directed to see all your products and choose from them or pick multiple and put them...

It's normal that your forget your default password and in this guide will show you how to change it to a rememberable password and in case you forget it you can do a reset password  To change your current password  Login to your account  Here Click "Edit Profile" On password field write your new password In confirm passwords...

In this guide we are gonna be explaining the cart promotion last time we explained catalog promotion you can check it Here the difference between catalog and cart is that cart promotions applies the bonus inside the cart but catalog applies the bonus outside and inside lets say for example you wanna make a buy 2 get 30% discount for example or...

First we go to the admin panel you can press Here to go to the admin panel  then we press on promotion  from the top right we press on the + sign  we have 2 choices catalog and cart cart promotion  catalog means we want to add a promotion for example a certain price , cart promotion happens inside the...

Hello ,  Today we are gonna be explaining how to Access admin panel (vendor panel)  First we go to Bazari's main page you can click  Here   after going there we click on account  after clicking on account we sign in with our log in information  afte after signing in we we can see the button admin panel...

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